Ahh, you've got me on that one Gladys. I did forget about that little jab on page one. My humble apologies to you.

Still, it would be an exaggeration to say I am singling out King when I have jabbed Ed or Jagermeister in the exact same manner. Also, if you'll recall, when you put me on notice that you would "call me out" whenever you saw anything you disapproved of or considered poor manners, I at that same time informed you that I would use any off-topic thread as an opportunity to post King's or Ed's anti-gun statements. The little joke you find so egregious is simply a nod to his frequent off-topic bloviations. I guess I should have stuck to posting more of his anti-gun rhetoric instead of making a joke.

So I guess you're right in this case. No, not "I guess"... you are absolutely right. I did lose track of my earlier mocking reply in this thread. And as I have done a number of times in the past, I humbly and publicly acknowledge and apologize for my error.

That wasn't so bad. It was so easy and natural and uplifting that it makes me wonder why a guy like King could never apologize after he repeatedly called me a liar... until I found his exact words admitting he illegally transported an handgun across the U.S.-Canada Border in his airplane several times. But he still never apologized, and instead doubled down by posting more falsehoods that contradicted his earlier admissions. I guess that's considered good manners and civil behavior around here.

But you are mistaken about one thing. I am not the aggrieved party in my exchanges with King. All law abiding U.S. Citizens who are subject to infringements upon their Constitutional Rights are the aggrieved parties. I do wish more of them would speak up when their rights are attacked instead of thinking that simply owning a gun or even having an NRA membership card and decal on their truck was enough. It's possible I over-compensate for those who sit silently while anti-gunners eat away at their rights like a cancer. But I enjoy those rights, and take them seriously. I want them to be around long after I am gone. A lot of people have asked King and Ed to just stop their anti-gun trolling here over the years, but like a cancer, they just won't stop until they kill the patient. A truce means the sides stop firing shots at each other, but King and Ed have never quit firing their anti-2nd Amendment shots, and there is no reason now to think they ever will.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.