With the "space-age" adhesives that are in use today, in industry, I wonder why soldering of barrels, even hard brazing as is done on Blasers and others, has not begun to give way more to the use of these adhesives. My little inexpensive Yildiz .410 S x S was built, I am told, with the barrels and ribs joined with some type of high strength adhesive, epoxy, or some such. It looks very professional, is colored as to be practically invisible, and has to be much more economical.

I have never done so, but if I ever need to call Briley for any reason again I intend to ask them if they have ever seen a problem with this. They are the sole warranty repair company in the U.S.

I would never rejoin a loose rib that was originally soldered with any type adhesive, but the fact remains that adhesives are used at NASA to hold the heat shielding tiles on the space shuttles, and the temps on the skin reach 2300 degrees. Ya' think double barrels get that hot?


May God bless America and those who defend her.