Hey Folks im new here. I have a handful of SXS. I love them im just learning here and beginning.

As the post title says ive got a A&F 28 ga. With a blownout barrel. Ive seen a thread here with a few diffrent sleeve jobs. Ive talked to merrington and little..? They may become my only options but I just wanted to ask if someone else could do the job. Since I will be for the most part destroying the value of this gun I dont wanna spend a ton doing it. So please let me know of anyone that might be an option.

IDEALLY I would love to find a set of barrels for this gun. Ive contacted evryo e I could think of imcluding griffin and howe and the europe gun forums. So of you guys have a set of 28 ga. Zoli Rizzini barrels i. The closet Im in the market. Thanks for all the help.