Originally Posted By: Stan
Interesting article, written from a different perspective, and hard to argue with. There is, however, one glaring error in this paragraph:

"While we dont have any good sources of data on how often zombies take over the world, we definitely have good sources of data on when the group of people on the piece of dirt we currently call the USA attempt to overthrow the ruling government. Its happened twice since colonization. The first one, the American Revolution, succeeded. The second one, the Civil War, failed. But they are both qualifying events."

Wrong. The War Between The States, while a cataclysmic event, was not an "attempt (by either side) to overthrow the ruling government". It was the result of a government forcing a group of states to not withdraw from that larger union of states. Very big difference.


While you may be technically correct Stan, I don't think that changes his math or conclusions. It was a disaster event that provokes extraordinary disruption to life as it had been in the areas affected.

Maybe my ex isn't as crazy as she seems. All I know is I'm allowed inside the compound when the SHTF. My job is firearms. LOL

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia