Our pro-2nd amendment President Donald Trump is astute enough to understand that over 30 million illegals coming across our Southern border constitutes an invasion of the country. How many of his predecessors were content to simply allow it to happen, even to the point of rewarding the invaders with taxpayer funded benefits and amnesty? Most of the liberals who are making a big deal of him wishing to pull 2000 troops from Syria had no complaints about Obama pulling many more out of Iraq and handing the country over to terrorists.

It's interesting to note that Nancy Pelosi was advancing new gun control laws even before even before she was sworn in as Speaker of the House of Representatives. She has introduced Universal Background Check legislation even though she knows virtually all of the recent mass shooters bought their guns through legal channels, and passed the required background check. But I'm sure a lot of our FUDD's would still insist that supporting anti-gunners like Pelosi does not make them in any way responsible for Liberal Left Democrat attacks on our gun rights.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.