My father went to Texas A&M. He was in The Corps and wore his Aggie ring till the day he died. The ring has an Eagle and Shield emblem on it.

I have those tattooed all over the back of my head. It was fine to carry a loaded gun, while hunting, on safe. All other times the gun was unloaded and treated as if it were loaded. Cover ANYTHING with that muzzle or fail to check a gun handed to you or picked up and, BAM! another tattoo. I

I've had two ADs. Both of them occurred upon taking a rifle off safe..... Never point a gun or allow it to point at anything you do not intend to shoot.

Fences? Unloaded, not broken open, or action open. Unloaded and laid on the ground on the opposite side of the fence. Then cross the fence.

We didn't hunt in trees but we did use tower stands. We carried the rifle slung while climbing up or down. There was no round in the chamber and the firing pin was down.

I have never raised or lowered a gun on a rope. Probably won't ever either.

As far as banning hammer guns or any other item or activity....

If it is private property, a private club, .... then it is those individuals who own, are responsible and liable for the property that get to make the rules. They can make any rule they like as long as it does not violate State or Federal laws.

If they say no hammer guns, ... then no hammer guns it is, regardless of what their reasons are or what anyone else thinks.
