Any time somebody tells me that the gun controllers don't want my hunting guns, I tell them, "That's good, because you can't have those either!"

I established my Life membership in the NRA and TSRA long enough ago for them to start paying for themselves. My Senators are sick of hearing form me and that DemocRat that collects a paycheck for voting with Team Nancy that claims to represent the district I live in, just $hitcans everything I send him. But it still keeps rolling in. They used to acknowledge my letters, but now I guess they just figure I know. I really rather they NOT send me anything back, because that costs money and from what I just gave the IRS, I really want them to NOT spend money.

I try not to get in Gun Control conversations. I know, they know, we all know, that Gun Control is NOT about reducing crime, saving the children, or combating Global Warming. Its simply about Control, that's all. Total Control. Tyrants can't rule armed free men. Sux doesn't it?
