John has explained it well but we don't need a license that we have to pay for to shoot game; if we have permission to be on the land and shoot game by the landowner that's all we need and with no bag limit, all it needs is that it is in season. Some species have specific seasons and some have no season at all such as muntjac deer. The pest species were covered by a General Licence which was free to those involved again with permission to shoot on the land. Hopefully it will all be sorted. Things can be followed by checking in to The British Association for Shooting & Conservation (BASC) for short and the website of the Countryside Alliance. Natural England administer this for England so I'm not sure whether Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland are affected. Also Natural England are just an advisory body for the Government so it is not a ban instituted by the Government in this case; they are too busy (or at least I hope so) in disengaging us from the E.U. who would like to impose all sorts of other restrictions. Lagopus…..