Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
Craig, I'd be tempted to buy a Mossberg from you just to make you feel good. The old NRA lie that any concession would lead overnight to total confiscation and a return to the Dark Ages is just what it is , a lie. The regulations on Class III weapons shows that regulation of some types of firearms works. Trump is toxic, no doubt, but the less he put shis tiny hands on the wheel, the better off we all are.

Bill, that old NRA canard is NOT a lie. There is no end to regulation until confiscation has been effected. Look at England. Look at Australia. Look at New Zealand. Look at Canada. The evidence is overwhelmingly against the position you just asserted.

And as a hunter/gun owner the only lies going on are the ones you tell yourself about how with just a little more regulation, all will be safe from the misuse of firearms and the anti gun faction will be satisfied.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia