Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
I got a new perspective on the "do something" movement yesterday evening, and it's been bothering me ever since. A distraught father came over last night to talk about his grown son being in jail for felony firearm possession (by a felon).

His boy has been a nutcase since birth and in jail most of the last 15 years, on and off. He has a felony conviction among a lot of other things, mostly drug related, but has been out a few months on probation now living with his mom and dad. He has been working a labor job but has gotten back in to meth.

His dad says the meth has led to a serious paranoia problem and the boy/young man has developed the delusion that he needs a gun for protection from rival ex prison gang members. He bought one off the street (probably stolen) and his dad has been helpfully trying to show him how the 9mm auto pistol works. He even signed the son up for "safe shooting lessons".

Things went bad recently and the boy and his mom got into a screaming fight, resulting in the son firing the weapon. Neighbors called police and they arrested him.

Dad's concern was what safer gun, maybe a revolver in a smaller caliber he could get the boy if he got out of jail, which he always seems to do. I told the dad he was the problem for enabling not to mention aiding and abetting his son's felony gun possession.

The dad's response was "we have to do something about the gun show loophole" which he says caused the problem. I pointed out that the gunshow loophole had nothing to do with a convicted felon buying a stolen 9 off the street, and why should I pay the price of loss of my rights for his kid's mental illness.

The problem is that the dad's take on the matter is what I am afraid has become the majority opinion in the country. I don't like what I see in the future, but like King, I'm old anyway...Geo

Sorry for the rant.

Case in point as to why the approach shouldn’t be what kind of firearm one can possess, but rather who should be able to possess a firearm. Dad should be disabused of his guns as well. Who knows what prohibited person he is going to “ help out” next.

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