Originally Posted By: Run With The Fox
we must destroy Islam and Isis and all the camel-humping rag heads who view American as the "Great Satan"--9/11 caught us "Asleep at the switch" just like the Japs did in Dec. 1941-- "Kill 'em all, let Allah sort 'em out"!! RWTF

Destroy ISIS: Yes! Obama made a grave mistake when he pulled all US troops out of Iraq to fulfill a campaign promise.

Destroy Islam: There's a clear difference between Japan and Islam. One is a nation; the other is a religion. Given the 1st amendment, it's problematic to declare war on a religion. And time for a reality check: The vast majority of those fighting Islamist terrorism and dying, or fleeing as refugees, are MUSLIMS. There's a war going on against Islamism WITHIN ISLAM. What we need to do is support those Muslims who oppose the cancer that exists within their religion. If we were to declare war on Islam, that would be playing right into the hands of the Islamists. That's exactly what they want us to do. It'd be a huge propaganda victory for them. We need to support the Afghans who believe their daughters ought to be able to go to school when the Taliban says they can't. Even conservative Muslim nations--like Saudi Arabia . . . and yes, even Iran . . . send their girls to school. The radicals are a minority within the world of Islam.