Originally Posted By: King Brown
....I'd expect Pew's percentage of Muslim hatred to be higher, considering the West's doctrine to invade preemptively and arbitrarily....

Maybe, you seek polls that meet your expectations, eh?

Have you ever considered why there aren't polls of the percentage of western white hatred by, well you know who? I appreciate how you arbitrarily, yet preemptively push an agenda.

You're foolishly wrong about how ten percent of the participants here are itching to take up arms against some government boggie man. I'm of the opinion that red, white and blue Americans abide by the US Constitution and US law, and just value what is under attack, not what pew feels. Your side that wants to take, hypocritically does not value the rule of law, since law breaking is the sole tool for advancing fundamental change, eh?

And you're one of the kumbaya, I work with all sides kind of guy, but you characeterize jihadis as angels and Americans as devils? Who's drawing lines and picking sides? Now heck, if you value being a devil purely because of your ethnicity, well knock yourself out, but I'll pass.