Originally Posted By: King Brown

The point I've tried to make is that keith's notion, according to the popular vote, would make more than half the US electorate unpatriotic, anti-gun, anti-constitution, cowardly citizens because they voted Democrat. Voters for either party, according to polls, favour priorities other than gun control.

Again you feel the need to resort to deception to make your point King. It was only several hours ago that I explained to you that I am fully cognizant that the majority of Democrat voters are not gun owners, and do not have the same concern for preserving the 2nd Amendment as most gun owners. I even mentioned their other priorities such as open borders, unfettered illegal immigration, higher corporate taxes that inevitably drive companies and jobs overseas, and of course, Welfare, Food Stamps, Housing assistance, and other means of voting themselves freebies that come at the expense and labors of other citizens.

A couple days ago, you falsely accused me of putting words in yours and others mouths... yet here you are doing exactly that. No need to ask for proof. I just gave it to you. So why must you always lie to make your point? Is your argument that weak, or are you just devoid of morals and ethics?

Those who vote and work to undermine or infringe upon the Constitution cannot be said to support it though. However, many citizens have been indoctrinated by Liberal Left anti-gun propaganda, and aren't aware of the harm they are doing by following and supporting any dismantling of the Constitution. And like it or not, gun owners who support anti-gunners are stabbing other gun owners in the back. You are the poster boy for that undermining of our gun rights, and back stabbing of those you refer to as being part of your fraternity.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.