Originally Posted By: Hal
Didn't the last such ban sort of die on the vine, with the opera and its players costing "The Crown" about $C400 million? Folks up where we hunt paid little or no attention to it.

A little different scenario last time. The only real rollback we have had with our gun laws was the elimination of what was called the Long Gun Registry (all shotguns and rifles by owner with address and serial numbers). Our success there was most likely due to the government originally claiming it would cost $3 million Cdn per year and it actually cost $2 billion Cdn over 15 years. Non gun owners figured out what a colossal waste of money it was and so supported it's demise.

Last edited by canvasback; 05/07/20 02:04 PM.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia