Damascus: Both of your guns are truly spectacular, but I think that I am more drawn to the Adams. That top strap is indeed unusual, as is the case, and the story behind them is a fascinating insight as-well to a world long-past. If I remember correctly, it was missing it's forend wedge when we last saw it here? It looks like you've found it again, which is wonderful. Poaching can be a fine art (which is underappreciated here, I suspect). If it is done out of desperation (or at least real-need), then I'm not terribly offended by it... as long as the game is properly consumed and appreciated by the hungry souls receiving it. Many a backwoods family (where I grew up) had venison & even trout in their diet that was well out-of-season when times were hard. I also suspect that the statute-of-limitations has long-passed for any exploits of your own, so please...feel free to elaborate on them here if you feel comfortable. Purloined food, in any form, is likely have it's own special spice.

Eeb: Walking cocked comes with some risk, I'll grant you, and I never did it unconsciously or when it put others in danger. When I was sure of my footing and when I was convinced game was near I took that calculated risk. Life is full of risks and many take them without much of a thought about it (been on a 6-lane highway lately?).

Last edited by Lloyd3; 03/22/23 10:18 AM.