Originally Posted by Ted Schefelbein
Originally Posted by John Roberts
I have seen a '50's vintage J. P. Sauer on which the lacquers were flaking and the case colors were coming off with the flakes. You could peel pieces off with your fingernail. What was left underneath was a dull French grey.

That is actually the lacquer or varnish that the colors were coated with, coming off and taking the thin layer of color oxides off with it. Seen it a few times myself.

I shot a few case colored guns with the baking lacquer that Brownell’s used to sell. It was a coating that was impervious to acetone, or lacquer thinner, once it was baked on the gun. However, regular old Berryman dip type carb cleaner removed it handily, and absolutely didn’t disturb the case colors underneath. It doesn’t hurt bone pack case colors, or cyanide colors, I’ve used it on both. I wouldn’t soak anything overnight in the stuff, but, it might get you out of a jam if you have a synthetic clear finish that was applied and has changed color over your re-done case colors.

The stuff is nasty, don’t get it on yourself.


I've seen unlaquered colors flake as well.

BrentD, (Professor - just for Stan)

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]