I too was surprised at the ratings. His older ratings, though the listings are not available, are really pretty good. One thing that waved a red flag to me was that he has been GB for about 5 years and has 500 odd listings which is one every 3 days or so. I checked the last 4 or 5 months and counted around 1 every 2 days or so, except for January, where he had 1 sale. The latter part of this period was when he experienced an incredible number of bad listings. This coupled with fact that he has 3 active listings seems to indicate some upheavel ocurred. All of his sales still posted indicates he is selling the bulk of his merchandise in the mid to upper four figure range. That coupled with a no return policy puts him in a never-bid category from my position.

I noticed too that the buyer has been on GB for years, yet years separate each of his 7 listed transactions. Seems like a buyer that shouldn't be bidding on sight unseen auctions like this.

You say he is fighting with the CC company. Shouldn't he be talking to GB instead. The great emphasis on the Magnum action should be enough to void the sale from their end.

Last edited by AGS; 02/29/24 06:20 PM.