Originally Posted by keith
Originally Posted by Jimmy W
You can argue with every automobile manufacturer in the world because they are trying to stop greenhouse gases, NASA, major scientists in the world and every weather expert on whether the sky is falling. I'll stick with them over you. And as I said earlier, this affects so many other people in the surrounding states also, with the smoke. So, I pray for them too. And I also mentioned earlier that 90% of the forest fires in the world are caused BY HUMANS. Thank you for your input. Good luck.

In the U.S. at least, every Auto Manufacturer that has added pollution controls to their vehicles has done so only because of laws and government mandates. In the 1970's, Volvo stopped importing the 1800 ES to the U.S. because they did not wish to install power robbing pollution controls on a sports car. Tetraethyl lead was removed from gasoline only because of government mandates. That's not a bad thing, because there is no question that internal combustion engines produce harmful pollutants... just the same as the fossil fuel and nuclear power plants that are used to charge electric vehicles. Internal combustion engines have also helped mankind to enjoy the highest standard of living in history, and to grow enough food to feed a global population that was predicted to destroy the entire planet, another Sky is Falling prediction that hasn't happened. Famine is almost non-existent compared to 50 years ago when the population was half what it is now. One of the pollutants produced by engines is ozone, which is beneficial in very small amounts in the upper atmosphere, but not good in densely populated places like the Los Angeles basin. But our Auto Manufacturers are not installing catalytic converters and pollution controls because they are voluntarily trying to stop so-called greenhouse gasses. We will not solve the world's problems by giving up our wealth, freedom, and autonomy to China and the Globalists. I see you are in Florida now Jimmy. Did you walk there from Indiana, or did you drive or fly, and add to this big climate change problem?

Please stop claiming that every climate scientist and weather expert has bought into the Left's Climate Change propaganda. We have taken the time to repeatedly show you that is not true. And please stop claiming that last year was the hottest year on record when your own Al Gore graph shows that is simply not true. You deleted every post you made yesterday, but are now back again with your Liberal Democrat dogma, trying to get another Thread locked. It may be your religion, but some of us can actually read and comprehend the data. I can't thank you for your input when so much of it is not factual.

Every auto manufacturer in the world is manufacturing BATTERY POWERED CARS to cut global warming and reduce CO2 in the atmosphere. They are doing that voluntarily- not because it is a law. 2nd - I never claimed EVERY WEATHER SCIENTIST. I have said repeatedly that about 97% believe in climate change. Google it. So you missed that repeatedly. And Al Gore's charts never said any such thing. You can always GOOGLE anything I say. I deleted my posts because I thought it was best to forget it. But thanks to you and your sky is falling remark. I answered you. And as I said , I brought the subject up originally because a tragedy like this affects people elsewhere, too. And sure enough, today's FOX weather station said this fire had spread into Oklahoma. And you can also Google this: on March 14th they will let us know if February 2024 was the hottest February on record. They are alteady saying it was. So, you can lie all you want. And I'm not a Democrat. It's really funny that someone like Joe Biden is smarter than you are and calls people like you "a neanderthal". So, please , do like John says and put me on your ignore list. People have emailed and messaged me to say what a moron you are. Bottom line- lets have some feelings for all the people this tragedy affects. That's what I originally said.

Last edited by Jimmy W; 03/02/24 06:37 PM.