Originally Posted by craigd
Originally Posted by Jimmy W
If you watch Al Gore's movie that he made in 2005, he tells of his trip in a submarine under the North Pole when he was Vice President. And he shows his picture taken there. He spoke about how much easier it was then for a submarine to push up through the ice because it had melted so much even then. I believe he said that the place where his submarine that he was on only had to push up through only about three feet of ice. And the navy personnel commented how much thicker it had been in the past. I also remember Al Gore being on the David Letterman show years ago when he was Vice President and the subject of the North Pole came up. And Al Gore mentioned something about the fact that he had been to the North Pole and didn't make much of the fact that it was warmer there. And Letterman started freaking out saying, For gosh sakes there are puddles on the north pole from what I hear. So, it was a big deal even that short of a time ago that it was warm enough to have puddles of water on the north pole................ If you watch PBS and people who travel to Alaska and the permafrost has melted there so badly that huge bubbles of methane gas are coming to the top of the soil. People drill a small hole in the ice and taking a lighter and light the methane gas and it explodes. So, this also adds to the CO2 levels in the earth's atmosphere............ If you check, in Florida now, insurance companies, Allstate, State Farm, Progressive and others are stopping their coverage of properties, because of the risk of the rising ocean and flooding. I believe I recently read that Progressive dropped 86,000 properties in Florida because they were a high risk. So the problems have already become endless that people don't realize.............. Ted Cruz is finally realizing the dangers. He argued for years that Global warming was a hoax. A hurricane or two changed his mind and now his is begging for federal money to reinforce the beaches in Texas for upcoming high water. So, the problems will just keep on comin'...............Ol' Lefty
Our best modeling going forward, looks to be the correlation between Jimmy's wifi signal and rising oceans of anecdotes. I learned recently that if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle, but we know that's not true. All we need is a series of grants to create gender studies phd programs. Who need shrimp on a petroleum powered, electric treadmill, when someone took a lighter to a fart, on the internet?

Tsk. Tsk..............Ol' Lefty

Last edited by Jimmy W; 03/29/24 10:07 PM.