Originally Posted by craigd
Originally Posted by canvasback
Much as I hate to agree with Brent, he's right.

The "Right" constantly gets outflanked by the "Left" because the Left is filled with activists that work for the long haul. Generational. This DEI stuff, wokeism, whatever you want to call it. the infringement on gun and property rights blah blah blah ad nauseaum, didn't happen overnight. it has been a long time coming.
No, cback, the prof is not. If he isn't flat out wrong, he's at least a hypocrit. Bottom line, his feel good opinion has nothing to do with science that he often belittles others about. It is as predictable as a dem playing the race or gender card, run the other way when all they bring is an emotional tug on heartstrings, by invoking children.

Steve and Brent would you do a courtesy revisit some time about specific numbers of kids, who join school/club shooting teams, claim to have a responsible parent purchase one or more weekend recreational arm, purchased a youth hunting license in their name, etc. Or, maybe we look the other way, when it comes to results.

You can say that stuff Craig but the empirical evidence across NA, Western Europe, Australia and New Zealand says I’m right. I’m not talking just about teenage eco hunter programs. I’m talking about all of society. The vast majority of people who get up in the morning a dedicate their day to activism in support of some cause are on the Left.

Last edited by canvasback; 03/27/24 10:47 PM.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia