RMC have lathe turned brass
Cicle fly wads have 14 ga. wads

some years ago OWS had have 14 ga Greener Police gun brass, drawn and 2,5 " long, very fine. I have order a box from america to make ammo for a 0,77" v.Dreyse needle fire shotgun. was very fine brass and only 3$ each. only thing you have to do with police gun brass is to reduce rim thickness on the lathe. you will find it sometimes on gunshows. old paper cases are collector items no, please dont destroy colletor stuff.
the brits seletct the 14 ga for the colonial police because they believe the negro's be not able to find this ammo for captured guns. but they wrapped 16 ga. ammo with paper till the catridge fit in the chamber. I would do this with sticky tape and 16 bore blackpowder rounds, it will be safe and such subgauge cartridges shots sometimes very well.
another idea:get once fired 50BMG brass,head and base dia. is.797, diameter at 2,5" is .734.
14 ga. police gun brass have .841on the head and .767 on the base, nmouth is .744
reduce the base dia. and rim thickness of the BMG brass on the lathe. cut it to 2,5", aneal the mouth and maybe expand it. the BMG brass have a very thick wall, you can ream it out to bigger inside diameter if you like.
problem is if the rim diameter is thick enough for your extractor.

please tell me how this works,I allways looking for a 14 ga. sxs here