It is called a free market. As a seller, they buy as low as they can and sell as high as they can. Their business is not based on a few one-off sales, rather on sustainability. They have to watch how low they buy, how high they sell, inventory level, where their next inventory is coming from, overhead, and profit.

As a buyer, you are completely free to buy or not buy, make an offer, or not even go there. Rarely is there such a thing as a true/real/justifiable/provable price. They put on what they think and you decide if it is acceptable or could lead to a deal. No deal = no foul & no penalty.

Depending on how much shoe leather, jet fuel, and midnight oil you burn, you may develop a higher level of expertise than they have. When you do, you will find that the cheapest prices are at auctions. But, remember that there is no return policy - when the hammer falls on your bid, you own it. Bargains are the product of blind luck, rootin' enough to turn up an acorn, or taking a risk on a gun (risk-reward issues).

Tom Bryant is first class people. He loves people, dogs, and guns - proof positive that he has his head screwed on stringht. However, he is in business to make a profit. The rules by which business operates were laid down long before Tom sold his first gun. To stay in business, he must operate within those rules.

If you are a real expert and would like to sell guns for a living, I'd suggest you give Tom a call. You might not get a job, but you will at minimum get to chat with a true gentleman.