I had one of the all leather over wood and the canvas over wood with leather corners. I actually purchased them off ebay. Once received I noticed some things about them that I was not particularly happy with. The lock was very difficult to reach to open the cases due to the placement and height of the handle. The straps were bonded leather and stretched immediately after I buckled them on the case and made it extremely difficult to unbuckle. Over all the inside was finished nicely and the outside also. But, I found a GDK case in England, also on ebay. With the price AND the shipping of about $70, the GDK case is in my opinion superior to the Tourbon. Rahter than one center lock under the handle the GDK has two combo locks at the ends. Also, the straps are double thickness and nicely stitched harness leather. Overall, I am much happier with the GDK. The interiors are about the same with the Tourbon having a buckle strap to hold the stock in position and the GDK having a harness strap with velcro. Each had an accessory box and a couple of snap cap holders as well as a cleaning rod slot. Luckily, the Tourbons were easily returned to the seller on ebay and all I lost in the learning process was about $35 in return shipping costs.