Originally Posted by ed good
wow...what a compulsive malcontent...

who even says never pay dave one more dime...

i'm getting bored with this guy who tells us not to support this fine forum with a few bucks now an then...

either chip in or go away...

The Nutty Professor will never change Ed. He has been called out numerous times about his one-turd campaign to defund this site.... complaining all the while that Dave doesn't enforce the rules to his crybaby satisfaction. Yet he feels entitled to continually break the rules himself, and he has done so for longer than I've been here. If the Canuck smells hypocrisy, it isn't hard to see where the stench is coming from.

Maybe one day Dave will grant his wish and give him the boot. Then he can try this shit on the Upland Journal forum he likes so much. . Meanwhile, this Tolley 20 gauge has already been sold, and we can only hope Dave got paid. So maybe it's time to lock this Thread since all it is now is a vehicle for the Nutty Professor's personal attacks and incessant Trolling.