Relax. The Frenchmen were in on the joke. In fact, that line came from one of them.

I suspect that Richard directed that dig at Herve’, being that Richard was from the south of France, Herve’ was most definitely not, and Richard never missed an opportunity to tell us that. No different than an Iowa joke, around here. We all laughed, loudly, at it. But, for whatever reason, on that night, in that town, it was absolutely true. We laughed about it later that night, too.

The median age in that part of France was about 58 at that time. Societal factors were at play, but, three single guys were out there, trying, and having fun with it.

Neither gunmaker ever married, as far as I know. Wasn’t from lack of trying.

We know your French wife is beautiful. But, she wasn’t there that night.
