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Posted By: Run With The Fox E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 01/30/16 01:59 PM
Heard this on the News this AM<- wonder if they'll also shitcan the vintage gun parts and other gun related items?? My guess is, yes-and fairly soon.
Posted By: treblig1958 Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 01/30/16 02:20 PM
There are plenty of other auction sites for guns so what do you need e-bay for?
Posted By: Ghostrider Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 01/30/16 02:23 PM
As far as I know EBay has not allowed gun sales for many years.
Posted By: Nudge Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 01/30/16 02:30 PM
Run With The Fox,

I believe you are confusing eBay with Facebook. eBay has never allowed gun sales, not have they allowed use of PayPal to pay for them (eBay owns PayPal).

I am, not on Facebook and never will be, but apparently they used to allow sellers to use their Facebook pages, and no longer will. They are bowing to the demands of a "concerned Moms" group who is very misinformed on their gun and gun crime statistics (think "Everytown").

-- NDG
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 01/30/16 03:03 PM
Fox you sure you weren't watching the movie "Back to the future" was said Ebay has never allowed gun sales and a few years back banned all gun parts then later reversed their decision.

My guess is because of revenue loss they started allowing gun parts to be sold again.
Posted By: bill schodlatz Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 01/30/16 03:17 PM
Not that it makes a big difference but Ebay sold paypal some time ago.
Posted By: Daryl Hallquist Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 01/30/16 03:36 PM
Ebay allowed gun sales many years ago. Those were the days when the internet had not yet taught everybody about old guns. Many bargains were to be had. I still have a half dozen of those bargains.
Posted By: David Williamson Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 01/30/16 03:39 PM
I have been an eBay and PayPal user from 1998, and I do believe in the early years, eBay did let you list guns for sale. It was I believe after one of the mass school shootings that they then stopped it.
Also as Bill stated, eBay sold PayPal.
Posted By: nca225 Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 01/30/16 03:46 PM
eBay is a good resource for gun parts. You may not be able to buy guns, but you sure can get close with getting all the parts for one. I put together a nice Winchester 69A and several custom muzzleloaders and a flintlock for our primitive deer season all with parts from eBay.
Posted By: Nudge Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 01/30/16 04:52 PM
Bill Schodlatz,

Yes, I forgot PayPal was split out as a separate company. As others have said, eBay is a great place for gun PARTS...maybe even the best place for some of the hardest to find gun sights.

On another matter, while I understand the right of a merchant to decide not to allow selling of a certain kind of product, I which someone would challenge PayPal legally for refusing to transact such. Because if buying and selling guns is legal, and U.S. currency is legal for "all debts public and private," and PayPal transactions are denominated in U.S. currency...then maybe they can't be allowed to discriminate.

They are, after all, not the venue for the purchase...just the transaction mechanism. So if PayPal can say no, then what are we to do if JP Morgan or Bank of America suddenly say they won't process a check written for a gun purchase, or won't allow use of a debit card for it?

It's bad enough that social networks and ISP's think they can officiate what is and isn't acceptable free speech. How far are we before we're at a watershed moment where corporate entities "policies" trump the "Rights" of the citizenry? Heck, maybe we're already there.

-- NDG
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 01/30/16 04:59 PM
I guess I was wrong about ebay gun sales....if they did it was before my internet time.

But there's still plenty of gun parts on Ebay
Posted By: James M Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 01/30/16 05:18 PM
Originally Posted By: JDW
I have been an eBay and PayPal user from 1998, and I do believe in the early years, eBay did let you list guns for sale. It was I believe after one of the mass school shootings that they then stopped it.
Also as Bill stated, eBay sold PayPal.

You and Daryl are both correct. Ebay did originally allow gun sales until the anti's got to the Libtards in charge.
What's being reported now is Facebook's latest try at saving the world by preventing legal gun sales.
Posted By: james-l Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 01/30/16 05:42 PM
Actually you can use paypal to pay for a gun, they just don't want to know about it. It is called a discreet sale.
Posted By: Nudge Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 01/31/16 02:02 PM
WOW, good info James-l! How do you do that within PayPal?

Posted By: keith Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 01/31/16 04:05 PM
The current restrictions E-bay has on the listing of guns, magazines, and guns parts critical to making a gun fire happened shortly after the April 16, 2007 mass murders at Virginia Tech by Seung-Hui Cho.

Cho was a psychiatric patient under treatment for his psychological problems, but had no criminal background beyond being accused of stalking female students. So he was able to legally purchase his guns and pass the background checks. None of the laws imposed upon law abiding gun owners by Obama would have prevented this tragedy. Over twice as many people die annually in the U.S. from accidental poisoning than gun violence, but Obama chose to attack law abiding gun owners.

This is because most Left Wing Democrat politicians are anti-gun. This is not political debate. This is a verifiable fact.

Cho committed suicide by shooting himself in the head after the shootings. He had been suicidal in the past, and left a long rambling suicide note explaining his actions. His behavior was a common side effect of patients who are on or have been recently taken off of SSRI's, or selective seratonin reuptake inhibitors. This is the class of anti-depressants including Prozac, Luvox, Zoloft, Paxil, and many more.

Most don't engage in mass shootings, but many mass shooters have been on these drugs. Suicide and suicidal thoughts with no feelings about the ramifications are more common. Obama would have done much better to investigate and regulate the use of these very dangerous drugs if he was really interested in saving lives.

We were never told about what drugs were in Seung-Hui Cho's system when he snapped. The knee-jerk reaction for Liberal Democrats is to always blame the gun. Hence, E-bay's tightened restrictions. Read more about SSRI drugs and their disturbing side effects here:
Posted By: Recoil Rob Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 01/31/16 07:57 PM
You can pay for anything with Paypal as long as you don't declare what it is. Having said that, if you don't tell them what you are buying they offer no buyer protection.
Posted By: Mitch Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 02/01/16 03:10 AM
There are a lot of receivers for sale on ebay.
Posted By: Run With The Fox Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 02/01/16 07:31 PM
Originally Posted By: Nudge
Run With The Fox,

I believe you are confusing eBay with Facebook. eBay has never allowed gun sales, not have they allowed use of PayPal to pay for them (eBay owns PayPal).

I am, not on Facebook and never will be, but apparently they used to allow sellers to use their Facebook pages, and no longer will. They are bowing to the demands of a "concerned Moms" group who is very misinformed on their gun and gun crime statistics (think "Everytown").

-- NDG
Maybe yes, maybe no- about 4 years ago- when I got "shit-canned" from the Pregnant Gophers Cornwallis Appreciation Ass'n--- It was mainly due to me calling out my arch-nemesis therein- "Murph Da Surf" who swore that he bought a Model 21 (NOT 12) for $500 from some unknowing "chump" who posted it for sale on E-Bay. From the get-go, E-BHay has been anti-gun, they are owned and operated by the same cult of piss-head CA Hippies, related to the ones who spit on us when we rotated back from 'Nam to The World, and had the bad luck to have MATS land us in Frisco-- I don't trust E-Bay any further than I can throw a Steinway across the main stage of Carnegie Hall.
Posted By: Dave in Maine Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 02/02/16 01:49 AM
Originally Posted By: Nudge
On another matter, while I understand the right of a merchant to decide not to allow selling of a certain kind of product, I which someone would challenge PayPal legally for refusing to transact such. Because if buying and selling guns is legal, and U.S. currency is legal for "all debts public and private," and PayPal transactions are denominated in U.S. currency...then maybe they can't be allowed to discriminate.

They are, after all, not the venue for the purchase...just the transaction mechanism. So if PayPal can say no, then what are we to do if JP Morgan or Bank of America suddenly say they won't process a check written for a gun purchase, or won't allow use of a debit card for it? ...

-- NDG

I just got done working on a case involving a company - what I'll call a "merchant-hosting company" for lack of a better name - that worked with PayPal as a "payment processor". PayPal is one of the largest of the payment processors.
A "merchant-hosting company" factors between individual small merchants and the internet, providing the merchants with a place for their selling websites to reside and a website platform for them to build their sales site on.
Basically, the payment processors have contracts with the credit card companies (and banks) and those contracts specify what kinds of goods and services can and cannot be paid for with the credit cards through the payment processors. In turn, the payment processors have contracts with the merchant-hosting companies (and places like EBay) that do the actual transactions. These contracts impose the same conditions and prohibitions on the merchant-hosting companies and EBays as the credit-card companies impose on the payment processors. The credit card companies require that.
The prohibitions are enforced in two ways. First, the credit card company can cut off the payment processor. Second, the credit card company can fine the payment processor. These fines start in the tens of thousands of dollars and can go into the mid-six figures. The payment processors can do the same thing to the merchant-hosting companies. Individual merchants are usually just cut off. The payment processors require the merchant-hosting companies to keep large sums of money on deposit with them to cover potential fines (as well as chargebacks and such).

The credit card companies have decided - usually for legal reasons but sometimes for political ones - to ban certain goods and services. These include porn, electronic gambling, drugs (legal and illegal), bride catalogs, escort services, pyramid schemes, work-at-home scams, get-rich-quick schemes and weapons. Most of them are covered by either one or more federal statutes or treaties - remember that the internet is international. So, a little reinterpretation of some law or another and the processors decided dealing in firearms was too risky, financially, to them to allow it to continue.

It's a complicated system, but some of the most fearful people on earth are bankers and financial people and a little nudge from the government is all it takes to get them to close the doors to legitimate people. Regardless of any other considerations - all they care about is their bottom line.
Posted By: bobski Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 02/05/16 05:22 PM
the issue with fleabay is anyone can call in and say they feel endangered by your gun ad and ebay pulls it until their so called experts review it.
to me it wasnt worth the gamble, time, and effort.
i just go to
to sell my stuff.
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 02/05/16 05:28 PM
Originally Posted By: bobski
to sell my stuff.

You looking for free Solar Energy advertising too...
Posted By: eightbore Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 02/05/16 07:07 PM
I never described the fellow who sold me the Model 21 cutaway for $500 a chump or any such thing. He was a gentleman of the nth degree. However that isn't the worst I have heard from "Fox with the Runs" concerning this gun and its purchase. The mentally ill stalker has actually called me a liar on this site for claiming I made that purchase on ebay. The gun and its purchase were discussed on this site by J Randol, 12brd, italiansxs, jsdyer, Geo. Newbern, JayCee, and H&H12bore in July of 2010. Maybe one of those guys will check in and comment. Unfortunately, although I have a copy of the discussion, the search function will not allow me to access threads for updates past one year. Some of you may have seen the gun, serial #150, at the 2013 Baltimore Antique Arms Show, where a display of it and several other rare Model 21s won me a Judges Choice Award which sits on my piano. The gun is housed in a leather covered briefcase. The gun also features an experimental snap off forend without a latch, only one I have ever seen. If the "Stalker with the Runs" wants to call me out again, the gun is for sale.
Posted By: Stanton Hillis Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 02/05/16 07:46 PM
Originally Posted By: eightbore
Unfortunately, although I have a copy of the discussion, the search function will not allow me to access threads for updates past one year.

You can go all the way back to '02, IIRC, by searching through the pages, by number. You can go 2346 pages back, as of today, which is about '02 I think. Doesn't take that long if you know the approximate date of the post you are looking for.

Posted By: eightbore Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 02/05/16 08:09 PM
I'll give it a shot, Stan.
Posted By: Stanton Hillis Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 02/05/16 08:19 PM
Originally Posted By: Stan
Originally Posted By: eightbore
Unfortunately, although I have a copy of the discussion, the search function will not allow me to access threads for updates past one year.

You can go all the way back to '02, IIRC, by searching through the pages, by number. You can go 2346 pages back, as of today, which is about '02 I think. Doesn't take that long if you know the approximate date of the post you are looking for.


My bad, it's '06, not '02.

Posted By: eightbore Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 02/05/16 08:36 PM
OK, I found it. The thread title is "Winchester Model 21 Salesman's Cutaway". I have brought the thread to the top with a new post. So ebay let's one get away occasionally. I learned about the sale from reading JamesM's first post. I didn't join the conversation until I had won the auction. $510.00
Posted By: Stanton Hillis Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 02/05/16 11:11 PM
I went back and found that thread, Bill. But, I don't see your new thread (post?) concerning it.

Posted By: Run With The Fox Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 02/05/16 11:23 PM
Originally Posted By: eightbore
I never described the fellow who sold me the Model 21 cutaway for $500 a chump or any such thing. He was a gentleman of the nth degree. However that isn't the worst I have heard from "Fox with the Runs" concerning this gun and its purchase. The mentally ill stalker has actually called me a liar on this site for claiming I made that purchase on ebay. The gun and its purchase were discussed on this site by J Randol, 12brd, italiansxs, jsdyer, Geo. Newbern, JayCee, and H&H12bore in July of 2010. Maybe one of those guys will check in and comment. Unfortunately, although I have a copy of the discussion, the search function will not allow me to access threads for updates past one year. Some of you may have seen the gun, serial #150, at the 2013 Baltimore Antique Arms Show, where a display of it and several other rare Model 21s won me a Judges Choice Award which sits on my piano. The gun is housed in a leather covered briefcase. The gun also features an experimental snap off forend without a latch, only one I have ever seen. If the "Stalker with the Runs" wants to call me out again, the gun is for sale.
Naw- you are already "One eye blind", the wheels turn slowly, but they grind the bastards small and finely. Is that piano a Steinway-or a Beckstein, or a Bosendorfer? My sister in Germantown has our Grandmothers Steinway Baby Grand- she sure as shit didn't buy it for any $500 on E-Bay. i can't believe anybody could be dumb enough to sell a Model 21 for chump change, even to a power-crazed azzholer--A 50& condition 1933 era 12 gauge M21 with DT and Ext would have to brought at least $1500, and on a legit gun sales website such as this- So I'll tell you what, o Murph Da Surf- f you'll concede the fact that I just might have a 12 gauge grade 6 Parker made in Meriden Conn. willed to me by my grandfather Sean, I'll return the concession and agree that maybe you did indeed swindle some unknowning chump out of a M21 worth waaay more that the 1/2K mark. Your present optical situation recalls to my mind the fable about the twin brothers- in the mode of Cain and Abel-- who hated each other-One day a Genie visited the Cain brother and told him he would freely grant him one and only one wish, with the caveat that whatever he asked for, his brother would thence receive that, but doubled. Ergo: Cain wishes for a million dollars cash money--Abel receives two million dollars cash money-etc.. Cain thought for a moment, then told the genie his wish: "Make me blind in one eye"!You are a power-crazed person who thinks he knows all there is to know about Parkers and other fine double shotguns. Bullshit- no one man can know all there is to know about anything-and nobody better dare challenge your almight authority as to who (whom) can be a paid up forum member of your PGCA gruppen. You and I have never met-although that may change if I attend the Southern-as they are having a pumpgun event, just my style. Until that day of gloom and doom in late April- well, you remind me of a man my Grandfather knew- went to Coxes to buy a seersucker suit- except in a 180% mode- if you catch my drift.
Posted By: tw Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 02/06/16 12:32 AM
Ya know I usually stay at arms length from this stuff. The misfits section is kaput for a reason. It degrades the site to see name calling, or who has the whateveritis & its discourages both lurkers and participants necessary for viability. Think about it.

Please take a minute, go back and read the sandbox rules. Give those w/knowledge the opportunity to express their insight(s), correct as/when necessary, ask questions when it isn't clear and keep it civil. Is that so much to ask?

We all have one common thread, an interest in double guns. Whot I've gleaned here since inception is of immeasurable value to me. I hunger for more. You know whot I mean, Vern?
Posted By: eightbore Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 02/06/16 03:14 PM
You're right on, tw. This forum is no place for a mentally ill stalker with time on his hands.
Posted By: Run With The Fox Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 02/06/16 11:29 PM
Originally Posted By: eightbore
You're right on, tw. This forum is no place for a mentally ill stalker with time on his hands.
You is fluent in several languages--not just English and Latin-let's see here- what shall we pick to reply to this 90 Cal. Pezznovante of the Parkeristas? Let's go with Espanol, for the nonce, shall we- Sr. De La uno oyo! Chingate! What really pissed me off about the whole Professional Gophers Collection Assn. was the Head Fred- who is also Der Kapo of the Luger Forum of which I am a member. Every 20/April since I joined, I get a nice Happy Birthday e-mail note from John, and both Mavis and I gladly donated to his Rennwish gruppen to help out Haiti, apres the disaster that ravaged the island Country God apparently turned His back toward a few years ago. That cuts no ice with the Parker Clan, a good fiend who was also shit-canned therefrom, thanks to the good offices of the all-powerful "Murph-Da-Surf", tells me that and IRS investigation of some funding issues is possibly pending- Bet that'll make old Artie Swanson kiss his Swedish arse- let's hope so. El Zorro!
Posted By: steve white Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 02/10/16 03:40 AM
Craigslist bans gun sales, but allows plenty of rifle scope ads, trail camera ads, tree stand ads as well as other hunting/double use items such as binos, yet gleefully welcomes gay seeking gay ads. Those who use their power to stomp on my second amendment rights are revealing their hatred for me and others who share my values. I would probably hate them in return if I were as unprincipled, but I will surely avoid their business if possible. Thanks for the update...
Posted By: Run With The Fox Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 02/10/16 12:40 PM
Originally Posted By: steve white
Craigslist bans gun sales, but allows plenty of rifle scope ads, trail camera ads, tree stand ads as well as other hunting/double use items such as binos, yet gleefully welcomes gay seeking gay ads. Those who use their power to stomp on my second amendment rights are revealing their hatred for me and others who share my values. I would probably hate them in return if I were as unprincipled, but I will surely avoid their business if possible. Thanks for the update...
Craig's list is a scam central. Here's what they tried to pull on me about a year ago or so. When Mavis and I bought a 1950's cottage in Northern MI, it came with a boat and motor- Older mercury 5 hp- made in 1953 Kiekhauffer in WI-- We kept the boat for fishing with the grandkids, but I wanted a newer replacement motor, with the remote tank and gear shift. None of the many boat dealers in that area would give me dollar one in trade, so I listed in on CL-- got a an instant "hit", dude promised to send me a cashier's check for the asking price-with the deal that I would send my check for a lesser amount, for the two goons from BF&I to come and get the motor for him- I saw the scam in that from the get-go. E-Bay and Craig's List are run buy yuppies like Mark Zuckerberg, except sunstitute a F for the Z-RWTF.
Posted By: Dave K Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 02/10/16 02:18 PM
Have to like how the market works around gun sale bans,here is one from FB.

and then there is this on Amazon-"aluminum art"

Posted By: GLS Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 02/10/16 04:38 PM
I am aware of three murders directly related to Craig's list in the past two years. One involved an ad selling a '66 Mustang for cash where the seller took the money and shot the couple who drove down to see the non-existent car. Another was a local man murdered when the killer answered the ad for a motorcycle and shot the seller and stole the bike. The last involved the son of a late friend who was shot in the back of the head by the test driver of his Toyota Tacoma. He died 10 years after his father Bill, a duck hunting buddy, was shot and killed by his brother-in-law.
There are municipality police departments all over the country which welcome Craig's List transactions in their parking lots as a result of similar incidents. Caveat Emptor. Gil
Posted By: Run With The Fox Re: E-Bay nixes gun sales- - 02/10/16 10:57 PM
Yes- sad indeed- We had an elderly couple murdered by some punk Rapper-from an Craig's list ad, they had a nice Cadillac as a second car they wanted to sell-lived in East Grand Rapids and were trusting to the nth degree- he wrote them a bogus check, they signed over the title, then while in their house, he shot them both dead in cold blood, robbed and looted their nice home in a very nice neighborhood, then drove off with the Caddy, which he later abandoned and torched. I just listed some Patton library of mine books on Craig's list, including the rare book he wrote prior to his untimely death "War As I Knew It"-and got one hit- Two things tipped me off that it was a scam. His e-mail came in at noon-he wanted to meet at 1:30 that day, and wondered if I'd take less than the listed price. I am assuming he wanted to meet here at my residence- Ooops- that's a clue as to a possible "case the dude's home and neighborhood recon" and secondly, the "urgent" time table tipped me off. I never list my address, home or cell number or e-mail address on Craig's list-any response to an ad goes through their PMS e-mail deal. Caveat Empetor--indeed- and as fellow Mick Irishman Ronnie Reagan once said: "Trust is OK, but always cut the cards". I also e-mailed him back and told him we could meet at a known downtown coffee shop I frequent, and added- "It's right next door to a bank where I do business, so we can have the teller check your bills against possible counterfeiting-- Needless to say, I never heard back from him again. Call me old-fashioned, and you'd be deadnutz right, but I only do business CIF- cash in fist-
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