Panspermia is required if you reject the creationism postulate.

The smallest known genome of an organism (a bacteria actually) that can exist on it's own (non-virus) has over 500 base pairs on it's DNA strand. It's DNA molecule contains about 500,000 individual atoms arranged in precise fashion so it can function as it does. It has dozens of genes. There are dozens of proteins in each cell, all serving a very specific function. Remember, this is minimal 'life'.

To claim that this occurred randomly is the height of absurdity. It came from someplace other than Earth.

I'm not a creationist in the usual sense of the word, and evolution is a well proven mechanism for enhancement of living creatures.... it's the very beginning part that has me stumped.

The most simple forms of life are way too complex to be accidental. They had to come from somewhere else...

"The price of good shotgunnery is constant practice" - Fred Kimble