Originally Posted By: EDM
...republican cheerleaders are mistaken to assume that dogmatic democrats, who will vote along the lines of gender and/or race, are going to cross over from liberalism and vote for a conservitive just because of bathroom posture. EDM

EDM, you're expressing a delusion popular among the Hillary Feminists - that they are objects of desire for the GOP. It should be obvious that they're not.

Palin's nomination is clearly aimed at three far different voting blocs: (1) the evangelicals (to fire them up); (2) the blue-collar, rust-belt Dems who rejected Obama in the key states of Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Indiana; and (3) the vast number of American voters - male and female - who yearn for someone at the top who's like themselves and knows how ordinary people think and live.

Palin breathes fresh air into a political scene dominated by the Eastern Establishment, DC insiders, prep school and Ivy League elitists and millionaires. The only one on either ticket who actually went through a public high school, she is extraordinarily ordinary.

I have little respect for either political party - but I have to give credit to the Republicans for a smart move. The GOP choice of Sarah Palin will be very effective in wooing all three groups, while the Hillary Feminists sulk in their corner desperately pretending someone is courting them.

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