Ky Jon .... For the record there have been no lead mines in this area or industry that discharged lead in it's waste in recorded history. For the record, I am a God fearing, gun toating Democrat as were my father and grandfather .... Our family has served the country during all generations loosing our loved ones in every major conflict this country faced. I am happy to say that none of us are one issue voters.

I do not believe that the elimination of lead shot will deminish my ability to own and shoot my guns. The elimination of lead additives in gas did not deminish the number of cars. It's a fact that when something is taken off the market lot's of things surge in to take their place. At the moment alternatives to lead are expensive but if lead were eliminated it wouldn't take long for the market place to find a way to sell the replacements at prices that will let us all be able to shoot as much as we like.

I would be willing to bet that within a year of a lead shot ban you will be able to buy as much non lead as you want at Wal Mart .....
