My perception of the commisioned guns I've seen (Fox and 21), was that they were impeccable for their price. My perception of their RBL line was that they were inconsistant in quality, mostly finishing quality.

The first real indications I heard about customer relations issues was when the RBL project was started. I think that's when their personalities started showing. Expectations for them were high and pressures were high as well. They've continued to stay in the pressure cooker with their following projects with the RBL variants and now the A-10 line, all the while continuing to offer the commissioned type guns. It's gotta be a tough place to work at sometimes. But, that's no excuse from me. I think they need some professional PR and sales staff to go with their growth. Obviously, Tony and Lou have shown chinks in their armour and it's gotta be hurting them in the long run.