Any edged weapons by H. Scherping have you? Can you describe the mark below the 67/49? "S.S." is seen quite often and my 1st guess was that the longarm was made in Zella-Mehlis, but that is just a guess:
On dreilings, many times the "D" appears next to the forend hanger while on doubles it is almost always on the forward part of the right flat if not on the lower rib. I think it notes parts or components being sourced from Brothers Decker or Brothers Denecke but I'll have to check the spelling. The initial and its location directs compenstation and liability.

We need a little Belgian info input to see if indeed the Monopole can be attributed to Auguste Francotte, but the "888" is quite low but may be an assembly number. For the moment I just don't know on the anchor. A similar stamp was used by Heinrich Krieghoff, but I don't think this one to be the case.
Wittener stahl came from the Berger & Co.(Cons. Berger/Rudolf Berger?) facility of Witten/Arnsberg but the steel stamp was a little different. Steel sourcing for tubes is quite interesting and apparently there were dealers for each steel maker in each individual gun making community. My 1st guess would be that the tubes were sourced Liege. Taker Böhler for instance, Carl Bittiner was the rep in Liege while F.A. Klett held Suhl's market share. So it is highly possible that each tube making center may have a slightly different steel type stamp. Proof testing adds additional cost and if the longarm was going to a client somewhere else than Germany, they may have forgone the special proof test or even the Nitro test post 1912, but a ZM proofed example will have a date stamp as well as a ledger number. But for now I'd guess it to date between 1891 & 1910. If you had a chamber cast the cartridge might, just might narrow the range.

There was some close association with Collath & Berger(Witten steel & Berger locks):

Witten steel beginnings:

Kind Regards,
