Hello to All,

I apologize for the delay in responding. I am sick - a sudden onset of the flu or chest cold that has rendered me somewhat useless over the past couple days. As such, I am focusing on a quick and complete recovery and have been away from my computer more often than usual.

Just to quickly address some of the questions I have neglected to yet answer:

Raimey: After reviewing the photograph of the encircled "K," I am rather certain the mark on my Drilling is not the same. Not only does it lack the scalloped edging you show, but what I thought might be a "K" differs in appearance entirely.

I have also downloaded and reviewed the trademarks filed by Francotte in the book to which you provided a link. Thank you for the sam, as well as for the wealth of information you have shared.

Pete: Thank you for the brief explanation of German influences that were prevalent in Belgium at the time; the historical context surrounding Belgian gunsmithing at the time of this gun's manufacture helps explain much. I do think this belonged to someone of status, an Imperial German naval officer by the name of Scbönemann.

Mike: Thank you once again for getting back to me regarding the recommendation of (or in this case, the absence of) an area gunsmith with whom you would feel enough confidence to recommend having any work done with the rifle. You mention you think it may be of enough value to make the extra effort to have everything done right. Would you be willing to expand on this? If forum R&R forbid discussion of value, maybe you can PM me with your thoughts?

Run With the Fox: Thank you for chiming in... You're right - I must have misread the etching. I would in fact be interested in speaking with your friends who are avid German gun collectors (or anyone here on the forum who might likewise be interested). As my area of interest is antique edged weapons, the time has come to sell this Drilling to free up acquisition capital for my primary area of interest.

Once again, thank you all... illness might keep me from replying as quickly as I would like, but I will be checking back on the thread over the next day or so.

