I was curious when you were going to surface with your expertise. Maybe your Monopol stogies were made in Liege by Auguste Francotte??? I'll take credit for the rabbit chase of Monopol for Auguste Francotte, because Belgian makers registered trademarks while the German makers did not. Now on the Monopol drilling I do not see the "Monopole" spelling, which is found on the top rib of a Belgian double. During the 1890s there were many gunmaking partnerships such as H. Pieper/Sauer, H. Leue & Greener, etc. I would like to see if Witten registered the Monopol trademark and the sourcing lines converge and become blurred. I wouldn't assume that all 3 tubes were of Witten steel and it is odd that there isn't some type of steel stamp recipe on the underside of the tubes. Pour it on Axel.

Kind Regards,
