Hello Raimey, Axel, Pete, et al...

I'm still trying to get over this berflu, and more-or-less still feel as if I've been run over by a freight train. As such, I am limiting the time I spend at my desk in front of my computer.

Thank you once and all for your continued input.

So Axel, by your best estimation, to whom might you attribute the manufacture of this Drilling? Or is it premature to speculate as to the identity of the manufacturer? Am I correct in understanding the consensus is shifting away somewhat from an attribution to Francotte and Liege? Pete, I would appreciate your thoughts as well... Raimey, thank you for your continued input... this has been one heck of a learning experience for me.

Also, Run With the Fox - thank you for passing on the contact information of your friends. I would only ask you please tell me your name as well as I can say, "So-and-so suggested I write you," and thank you in advance for the same.

