I would like to congratualate the 98% of posters on this forum who behave like civilized folks(of either gender)and provide either valuable information or informational comment.
I would like to meet a vast majority of the regulars to talk guns, perhaps even to enjoy an adult beverage with. If everybody had the same opinion on every subject the world would be boring, at best.
However, it seems that every forum, sooner or later, gets domiated by someone who makes everybody else feel ill. This is the case of Ed. You can elect to delete posts that he creates, but he seems to interject into other posts. Its like that fly that you cannot seem to swat away.
I commend Dave, the moderator, for allowing the free flow of comment up to a point where moderation is, indeed, necessary.

If a two week "time out" isn't sufficient, then a more permenent solution may be necessary.

Great-Great Grandson of D.M. Lefever