Tony, I would like to offer a note of encouragement based on my own personal winning battle with cancer. True, the cancer that I had was different, it was colon cancer. I was initially diagnosed in 07/2000, immediately started a regimen of radiation therapy where they pointed the nose end of an enormous machine essentially up my butt and let it hum and glow for several minutes, plus a regimen of chemo treatments. The goal was to shrink the tumors before surgery was done. It apparently was successful. I had surgery in 10/2000, they cut me open like a watermelon, removed two feet of colon and the entire rectum, fabricated some sort of replacement rectum and sewed that in (it's not as good as the original, but it works, I can still sit down to go poop, I don't have to have a bag on my abdomen) and then sewed me back up. I stayed in the hospital two weeks with a morphine pump hooked up. Marvelous stuff, that morphine. Anyway, they said they thought they got everything, but I still had to have another 30 chemo treatments. That has now been nearly 11 years, and I am still cancer free. My only point is to offer encouragement, you can indeed win your battle as well. My life style has obviously changed somewhat, but I still have a life style, and I believe you can as well. My prayers will have you in them. Have faith in God first and in your medical staff next.
