Originally Posted By: Last Dollar
Clearly King doesnt have the same kind as you do Keith, which repeats the same dogma every time you get near it. Who are you to tell any of us we dont have to read things? If we dont read things how would we know we shouldnt have?...You are rude.

You know Last Dollar, when there were some threads running in Misfires a few weeks ago about Operation Fast and Furious, you kept responding in a manner that suggested you didn't agree that this (Fast and Furious)was a problem that gunowners should discuss or be concerned about. You said you were against Obama but, although I didn't say so at the time, it sure seemed like you disdained anything negative said about his administration. Do you have a rainbow bumper sticker on your truck? You also very much wanted the threads to end. Note again that these threads were in Misfires. After the first view, you certainly knew this was not your cup of tea, but you kept coming back to piss and moan.

The current thread began days ago and again you are unhappy. You say these things belong in Misfires, but when this type of thing is in Misfires, you keep coming back like a moth to a flame so you can piss and moan. And you keep right on coming back to the current thread even though you say you don't like it. I say if you don't like it, simply don't click on it. You knew you didnt like it days ago. I shouldn't have to ask you not to read it since you obviously don't like it. But you feel compelled to click on it just so you can piss and moan. And then you call me rude. That may be true, but it would be something we have in common. But I have not been a petty, whining, piss and moaning hypocrite.

Shortly after you called me rude, you got down in the mud and called Jim a WOP. That is precious. It confirms some things I've suspected, but was not rude enough to say. I don't recall you acting this way in the past. Are you perhaps getting too much sun down there in Mexico? Maybe hitting the tequila a bit too much?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.