Originally Posted By: Gnomon

Very true if it was happening here. Then I'd be alarmed too. However it is going on in a foreign sovereign nation and is no concern of mine except when I shoot in the UK.

Since it ain't happening here I have more pressing things to be alarmed about.

Gnomon, you apparently never read about any of the ATF (now BATF) abuses which lead up to the eventual passage of the National Firearms Owners Protection Act. Barack Obama is hardly the first anti gun politician to come down the pike. While guys like you who have their heads buried in the sand are enjoying simply shooting and owning guns and thinking that makes you pro-gun, a minority have been doing the heavy lifting to keep the wolves at bay. It's almost inconcievable that we have gun guys here who do not even know about the anti gun efforts of billionaires George Soros and Michael Bloomberg. But long before they became major forces in the battle to kill the Second Amendment, we had a constant flow of high profile politicians and celebrities and well funded organizations doing their damndest to strip you of the right you enjoy and are completely unalarmed about losing.

AmarilloMike said earlier,
"Jim with all due respect most here are members of the NRA, certainly internet literate and capable of navigating to the news sources on the web."

And he went on to say,
"This is a forum for gun owners and it is about firearms. We are all zealots here. We are vigilant. And we will be even if you are required to follow the rules and post about this subject in another section."

With all due respect to Mike because I agree with 99% of his posts, I would say that way less than half of the guys here are members of NRA or in any way active in their support of gun rights and the shooting sports. I say this because of past threads both here and in Misfires where dozens of guys like Gnomon make excuses for their inactivity, for not joining NRA, and for continuing to support and re-elect avowed anti-gun politicians. They even go out of their way to insult and denigrate the ones who are on the front lines of a battle they seem almost completey unaware of. I no longer worry about alienating these guys, because they never were involved and most likely never will get involved. I'll go on to state that in addition to their lack of financial support or activism in support of the Second Amendment, many of the whiners and thread police here do not even contribute a few shekels to Dave to support this BBS.

I also agree with Mike that this is a double gun forum. But no one has explained yet to us how gun rights, which can eventually erode or remove our right to own and shoot doubles, is less relevant than a thousand other off-topic topics that run their course without a bit of protest. Hell, when there were some threads running in Misfires recently about Operation Fast and Furious, Last Dollar and a few others wanted to stop or censor the discussion there. Last Dollar asked who I was to tell him to simply not read a thread if it bothered him. He should read the last line of the rules for Misfires where one Dave Weber says "If you find the materials offensive, don't read it."

Homeless jOe said, "Any one that doesn't believe the Antis are nOt conspiring against the Legal Gun owners are dumb'r a box of rocks."

What's taken me a thousand words to say, jOe covered in one concise line. The legal gun owners he speaks of still includes double gun owners. There is no more appropriate place for gun rights postings than front and center where it might get the attention of visitors and ostriches who may occasionally take their heads out of the sand or elsewhere. I hope Dave agrees.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.