Originally Posted By: PA24

No drilling on public lands like ANWAR or offshore to relieve the cost of fuel, which directly impacts the economy more than any other ONE single item.......When we drill the foreign oil prices drop like a dove in September...but we must not stop drilling as we did before when OPEC drops the prices....We need the jobs and we need the oil.....simple.....

From the Department of Pesky Facts -Drill Baby Drill won't lower gas prices

"While increased oil and gas drilling in the United States may create good-paying jobs, reduce reliance on foreign oil and lower the trade deficit, it will have hardly any impact on gas and oil prices.

That's because the amount of extra oil that could be produced from more drilling in this country is tiny compared to what the world consumes.

Plus, any extra oil the country did produce would likely be quickly offset by a cut in OPEC production.

'This drill drill drill thing is tired,' said Tom Kloza, chief oil analyst at the Oil Price Information Service, which calculates gas prices for the motorist organization AAA. 'It's a simplistic way of looking for a solution that doesn't exist.'"