Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
Originally Posted By: Gnomon
CalTech and MIT engineers shouldn't whine either - they are in high demand and the slots could be filled with Americans but our guys can't hack it.

I read this political stuff down here but try never to get pulled into arguments about questions which may really have no absolute answers. I just don't have the stomch for debates that all seem to descend into name calling.

Gnoman's quote above though brought to mind the fact that the politically correct liberal leaders we've elected have dumbed down our education, especially here in the South, so that no one is particularly well educated anymore so that those who cannot be educated will not feel inadequate. Surely that has opened the door for foreign students to take the lead in our hard science type curriculums. For a guy like Gnoman who seems to be of a distinct liberal pursuasion to then criticize our "guys who can't hack it" seems somewhat unfair to me...Geo

Geo- I agree totally with you. Our guys cannot hack a rigorous scientific or engineering curriculum because they have gotten the short end of the education stick. They also are no longer willing to work hard- it is very, very hard to do do a degree in physical chemistry or in chemical engineering.

It's not only in the South - and it has little to do liberal pc leaders. It has all to do with parents who let the entire school systems go to hell and bask in the glory of little Junior getting his head bashed in on the HS football field.

Those are value systems that your people impose upon your kids.

Don't give us that "liberal" shite. I am a liberal and my son is as well educated by any international or domestic criteria as you can (or most likely can't) imagine.

It's the redneck culture - the NASCAR and HS basketball thrill-games that take precedence over differential equations and the reality of hard work.

Yeah, it's the liberals' fault, once again.

And if your schools in the South have been dumbed down, do something about it - other than whine about "liberals"

If southern kids are down about the intellectual nadir it's because of creationism, theology (much like muslims') football and parents who haven't a clue what learning is. Don't blame liberals.

We liberals educate our kids,one way or another.

You people don't.