Gnomoron, since I know you are only pretending to ignore me, let me say that I find it refreshing that more and more folks are on to your game every day. No one is inventing crap about you. You are here all the time espousing your valueless values. More folks are seeing your thinly veiled personal attacks and more importantly, they are seeing and calling you on your continual lies.

In reference to craigd's statement, "Another point where a Gnomon (Gnomoron) would call a conservative a misoginist." He didn't invent anything there. He gave an honest and accurate opinion based upon your many past opinions on conservatives and abortion. In addition, he used terminology that you have yourself used quite often in association with the same subject matter. Maybe you have trouble with reading comprehension. Or maybe you are once again trying to belittle someone and twist the circumstances to make them appear bad. I personally think it's both, because you are both stupid and dishonest.

You have been making references to a "Republican war on women."
I have asked where this war is... but of course, you are pretending to ignore me.

I wish I could lay claim to this, but while Bill O'Reilly was speaking with radio talk host Dennis Miller this evening, Miller made the brilliant observation that the Democrats can speak of a mythical "Republican war on women", but they can't even speak the words "war on terror".

Speaking of terrorism, that Arab Spring thing is starting to look about as positive as "Hope and Change". My great hope is that the voters in this country will begin to see through the Magic Negro (I prefer Magic Mulatto), just as more folks are beginning to see through you.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.