I've been thinking about getting a double rifle for awhile. I would need to keep the price reasonable as it is something I would only use every few years. I know there are some cheap guns made in turkey etc but I want to do this 1 time and want a quality gun. I was looking at the Browning because I have a few Superposed shotguns and they are well made and shoot well. It appears the Brownings were only made in 30-06 and 270. I grew up on the Oregon coast hunting deer and elk with my Dad and we always used 30-06 rifles as they were good for elk and adequate although overkill for deer. I would prefer a smaller caliber round as I doubt I'll be hunting elk again but it is what it is. The reason I would only use this gun occasionally is that I now live in Florida and I dont deer hunt here but return to Oregon every few years to visit family.

My dilemma is that I have done a lot of online searching and can't find any info on how accurate these guns are. Most of the shots we took back then were between 100 and 200 yards as it is mountainous terrain. If these guns aren't up to that then I'm barking up the wrong tree. Any input would be appreciated.

Last edited by devrep; 10/22/12 02:58 PM.