I think jOe has written one of the worst post I've seen on the internet about this subject. This is a general thought about compromise and sounding reasonable, and shooting oneself in the foot. I'm all for stopping crime, but there are laws in place that could be enforced and if stories like the Memphis shop are true, then they are true without registration. If jOe wants a gun out of his name, then do whatever he thinks would work for him, why drag three hundred some odd more million folks along with it.

Personally, I don't suspect confiscation of all guns is a true goal. I believe a more likely goal is to slowly make general ownership distastefully costly through registration, annual licensing and death taxing for inheritance. The eventual smaller number of holdouts will gladly be seen as a tax on the rich and the revenue will gladly be wasted.

Why doesn't someone just wake up one morning and proclaim the government will abolish all paperwork and start distributing ten free guns of choice to every citizen who filled out a return. Then look to the left and start negotiating. Maybe give them back a little of what they want, say cut the number to five free guns. Where's the flaw in the logic. Why not just start a federal progun campaign, call it antismoking or we need universal healthcare and within time it will be so.