Why do they NEED every gun registered? Simple...they fully intend on documenting every gun so they can come and confiscate them at some point in the near future....like next year. After all, that way they know exactly who has exactly what and exactly where it is.

Why should we pay taxes on something like that we have owned sometimes for generations that has never been taxed before? What happens if someone refuses to pay taxes an on antique gun someone has had for 40 years? Right...Confiscation.

Perhaps we should pass a law for "Journalists", News shows, Newspapers...requireing every one to be taxed and registered anually....and be required to follow strict guidlines. Or they will be hauled off and confiscated...AKA sent to a gulag.

After all...Freedon of speach and the Press isn't entitled to a different set of standards and requirements than gun ownership.

Last edited by boneheaddoctor; 02/22/13 04:13 PM.

The liberals are asking us to give Obama time.
We agree, and think 25 to life would be Appropriate.