Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

Where did you get steal from street/illegal sources or "friends or family" ?

According to F.B.I. published statistics, the answer to your question has been available for many, many years......

The majority of criminals STEAL GUNS......The majority of crimes are committed with STOLEN GUNS......

The F.B.I. statistics show that among juveniles, minors under the age of 16, 17 and 18 depending on legal jurisdiction, serving in correctional facilities, 86% had owned a gun with 66% having a gun by the age 14.....There was also a tendency for juvenile offenders to have owned several firearms, with 75% owning three or more.....Criminal Juveniles most often acquired guns ILLEGALLY from family members, friends, drug dealers and street contacts.....over 95% of these weapons were stolen.....

Inner city youths cited "protection" as the top reason for carrying a gun.....In Rochester, NY, 22% of young males have carried a gun ILLEGALLY most for only for a short time..........

F.B.I. statistical trends show the rising trend in homicide rates was most pronounced among lower income and especially unemployed males..... The rise in crack cocaine is often cited as the reason for the sharp rise in gun violence across the United States among youths.....

Violent gun homicides show that the majority of the offenders have serious prior criminal records and this statistic has risen from 73% to over 95% in recent years......These criminals steal or purchase their guns by illegal means......

Youths and Hispanic and African Americans were the most represented, with rapidly rising injury and death rates more than tripling for black males aged 13 thru 17 and doubling for black males age 18 thru 24..........

Gun violence statistics are also available state by state....

The incidence of homicides is much greater in the U.S. than in other advanced countries.....The U.S. has 3.0 intentional homicides committed with a firearm per 100,000 inhabitants.....

For comparison, Switzerland, ranked THIRD IN THE WORLD FOR GUN OWNERSHIP PER CITIZEN and with very open gun laws, has very low gun related intentional homicides with 0.52 per 100,000 inhabitants........

You can put blame where you want, but facts are facts.....

Therefore, we need politicians and intelligent citizen voters who understand WHERE THE PROBLEM IS and who will act accordingly to correct the violence where it is most obvious and prevelant.....

We can start by getting rid of this entire administration which is full of losers..........
