Originally Posted By: boneheaddoctor

Simple..if THEY don't drop it...we pursue a progran to deny them freedom of speech...under the same argument that its not unlimited...and idiots flapping their gums like them are more dangerous than bootleg liqueur or homemade drugs are. And certainly far more dangerous than any gun is.

BHD, I hope you are kidding, although I share your frustration. But seriously, to win the war, it won't be because you have stopped Obama or Congress from enacting some stupid law in the next year or two. You will win when you figure out how to get Hollywood and school teachers on our side.

All this "cold dead hands" stuff, while satisfying to express, just digs us further into the hole. It won't be won because of the 2cd amendment right, it won't be won with logic. It will only be won, long term, by changing the terms of reference. And the left have made the terms "guns are bad. guns kill people".

Last edited by canvasback; 02/28/13 09:51 AM. Reason: grammar

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia