Originally Posted By: Der Ami
How about this? If someone has done something so serious as to cause him(her) to lose his constitutional right to guns, shouldn't they lose all their constitutional rights, such as the right to vote? Have voting registrars use the same background check for voting, as for gun owenership. Then see what the liberals have to say.You either have civil rights or you don't,if its in the constitution; it's a civil right.We need to start calling 2nd Amend. rights, civil rights.

Actually...in cases of Felony Convictions...They already do lose the right to vote, as well as posses a firearm. And can only get them back by petitioning the Gov of the state they reside...(but what about federal elections?)

I firmly believe in requiring photo IDs at the voting precincts...Nation wide.

Most other countries require it...the same countries that have socialized medicine the lefties love the idea of so much. (but wouldn't if they ever experienced the realities of it)

Last edited by boneheaddoctor; 02/28/13 11:24 AM.

The liberals are asking us to give Obama time.
We agree, and think 25 to life would be Appropriate.