Originally Posted By: canvasback
What I am concerned about is the long term and I believe, if I'm reading the tea leaves correctly, that the tide is turning against us. The emotional power of the liberal media, the liberal educational system and liberal Hollywood is going to beat us eventually if we don't, as Der Ami suggested find a way to combat their emotional message with a better more appealing emotional message from our side.

James, the tide has been against us for most of my life, yet gun ownership, numbers, and CC opportunities have still risen dramatically, so we must have been doing something right. The anti-gunners try to exploit every tragedy even though violent crime has dropped dramatically even as total gun numbers have risen. The Anti's will never admit that or utter the truth that stricter sentencing that has kept felons in jail has done far more than any gun laws. We will likely never change the Liberal media message, and we've allowed the Liberals to indoctrinate our kids in schools with anti-gun messages. So long term, our only hope is to counter the negative messages ourselves. If we really feel strongly about gun rights and the Second Amendment, and we'd like to see our kids and grandkids derive the same pleasures from guns and shooting as we enjoyed, we all have to put forth a little effort that wasn't needed when we were young. We have to bring kids into the sport and support youth and womens shooting programs so they can learn for themselves that the Liberal message is built upon lies. We have to join and support a strong NRA and we have to be active and assertive and tell our legislators in no uncertain terms that we will not tolerate ANY infringements on our 2nd Amendment Civil Rights. If we lose, it will be because millions of gunowners chose to sit on their asses and let it happen.

King is still spouting his drivel that, because the GOP lost one presidential election by a few percentage points, all hope is lost and they can never win again, and we should all grovel and sleep with the enemy. That message is absurd and inaccurate... and just what one would expect from a retired Liberal media reporter.

Always consider the source.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.