James (Canvasback), I realize that Obama, Biden, Feinstein, et al are only important in the short term, while they are elected officials. They have moved onto the scene to replace the likes of Lyndon Johnson, Ted Kennedy, Joseph Tydings, and Howard Metzenbaum. When Obama and Co. are gone, they too will be replaced by a cadre of anti-gun politicians who share their idealogy. I wonder how many idiots here will believe Hillary Clinton in 3 1/2 years when she tells them supports the Second Amendment. Interesting to note that all of the above are Liberal Democrats. I'm beginning to see a pattern, but according to the Gospel of King Brown, we shouldn't pigeon-hole them or they will never sing Kumbaya with us.

I still think those who are believing polls provided by liberal news organizations that are telling us the 2nd Amendment is on its' death bed are allowing themselves to be deceived. I agree completely that guns have been demonized in our schools by liberal liars who are tools of the Liberal Democrat NEA, and in society at large by the liberal liars of the liberal media, which has become the propaganda wing of the Liberal Democrats. And while it has been somewhat effective, there are the signs I referenced that their message has not been as successful as they'd like. Gun ownership and gun numbers are at an all time high. NRA membership is as well. We won Concealed Carry in all but Barack Obamma's state of Illinois. Shows about guns and hunting may be gone from ABC, but they've been replaced on Cable and Sattelite channels. There is much to celebrate, and it takes tragic massacres and statistics from cities with restrictive gun laws for the anti-gun forces to get any traction.

In the aftermath of the Democrats' slaughter in the mid-term elections after Clinton got his Assault Weapons Ban, Bill Clinton ruefully noted that the NRA is the most effective lobbying organization in the U.S. Those who still haven't joined... those who are still on the fence would do well to take note of that and help the cause. But joining should be more than carrying a card. The subject matter of this thread is proof that you can be a member and not be involved enough to know the positions of NRA, and why. We have to be informed in order to counter deception. We should never cower and avoid saying what is true in fear that the truth may push someone away. We got our freedoms from fighting for them, not from being lulled into negotiations with liars and those who would steal our Civil Rights under the guise of security.

But that's why some of us have been touting the importance of bringing kids and women and non-shooters into the sport. The excitement and enthusiasm of a kid that has just fired a shotgun and maybe broke a number of clays after proper training and coaching will erase years of anti-gun indoctrination. You can bet they will share that enthusiasm with friends. When he or she sees that the gun is a tool made of wood and steel, and can't in and of itself do evil, it will hit them that maybe they've been lied to. Then perhaps, they will come to realize that they are being lied to about other things like our national debt, socialized medicine, taxes, and a whole litany of the Liberal feel-good things that are dragging us down as a nation.

I went to a gun show yesterday and was pleased to see the largest number of women I have ever seen, and they weren't there for the Indian jewelery. The increase in female attendance was more than just noticeable, it was striking. There were two tables run by pro-gun rights organization collecting signatures on petitions demanding no infringements on our gun rights. One was "manned" by four women, and the other was half women. They were taking reservations for busses to transport gun owners to our State House on April 23 for a Gun Rights Rally that I plan to attend. Those I spoke with were very passionate about this assault on our rights. I wish a few of our members here shared their determination and enthusiasm. None of them would be whining about a thread such as this going on.

King Brown, I know you weren't ignoring me. I said you were pretending to ignore me. Big difference. You started that game right after you falsely accused me of putting words in your mouth, and I called you out on it, with proof. I thought your response then was fueled by an excess of estrogen. Quoting your lame response to me today, craigd noted your disingenuous behavior. Of course you had an equally lame excuse in your reply to him. Again. So don't give me any sermons on misrepresentation or contributing in good faith. Even your response here is just another example of rudely hurling insults under a thin veneer of verbosity. You may not use foul language, but you are no stranger to clever rudeness, insults, and ignorance. Don't worry about becoming corrupted by my manners. You were corrupt long before I came on the scene. Dishonesty still ain't civility. Nice try.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.