Aww, Come on guys, You can do better than what's been offered so far.
30 million Americans have already signed up to feed at this trough, and I need to get some really clever remarks so that I can help these losers see the error of their ways.
What about all those young adults out there having a good time on my dime? No more consequence, just 20 visits to the clinic a year for 75 bucks/mos. There's gotta be some kind of a condemnation I can slather them with to get them to quit sucking up all that insulin.
And all those pre-hoes? They wouldn't need Gardasil if they chose to stay pure. Birth control pills? I say you make your bed, you lay in it! What about them stupid free mammograms? They ain't free! I'm paying for all that.
I say make them pick up bottles to pay for them.
And EBT cards? Don't get me started! Most of those losers are already too fat. Their health would be better, and school desks would last longer if their EBT's were cut in half.
Free food and free healthcare, I can't take it any more. I've been enslaved by lazy trough feeders and I didn't even see it coming.
Surely there must be something I can put on a sign when I go protest down at the clinic? That place is rife with all those freeloaders.

What do you guys say to your family members about these obvious character failures? I need to change some minds here, and I'm striking out big time.

Out there doing it best I can.